Charitable Gifts

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): Are You Charitably Inclined?

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): Are You Charitably Inclined?

A Qualified Charitable Distribution, QCD, is one of the most tax efficient methods of donating for individuals above the age of 70 ½ that are charitably inclined. Under this method, individuals age 70 ½ or older can transfer up to $100,000 per year from their IRA to a charity. Keep in mind the age to begin RMDs has been increased to age 72 by the SECURE ACT which took effect on January 1, 2020 but does not affect the QCD age.

Tax Planning: The Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) and Bunching Charitable Contributions

Tax Planning: The Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) and Bunching Charitable Contributions

Prior to the passing of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) in December of 2017 you likely enjoyed the tax deduction that came with your charitable contributions – no matter the size of the donation.  If you lived in a state where you paid state income taxes and had high property taxes you were probably itemizing your deductions (See NJ, NY, CT, and MA – just to name a few).