Preventing Scams

How Not Paying Attention to Your Utility Bill Can Cost You Money

How Not Paying Attention to Your Utility Bill Can Cost You Money

When New Jersey deregulated its electric and gas industries in the late 1990s, it was supposed to bring a new competitive environment that would benefit consumers. By being a “shopping state,” New Jersey joined many other states in the northeast where consumers could shop for the best electricity or gas rates among competing third-party suppliers.

Identity Theft and the Importance of Strong Passwords

Identity Theft and the Importance of Strong Passwords

Recently, we had a client report that a fraudster had stolen her identity. It seemed that someone may have obtained access to her email address and was creating havoc with her online accounts. We immediately told her to go to the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) website,, to report the incident and follow some immediate steps to start dealing with the breach.

Preventing Senior Scams

Preventing Senior Scams

One of the harmful outcomes of the quarantining from Coronavirus is the increase in scams targeting seniors. Seclusion puts seniors at a higher risk because the loneliness can lead to greater vulnerability. In a previous article, "Don't Fall for These Common Financial Scams", AnnaMarie Mock, CFPâ described many common financial scams and noted that everyone, young and old alike, can be a target for fraud. However, seniors are especially at risk because they typically have more assets to lose and may have diminished capacity.